Brand Marketing

10+ years of experience helping brands build long-lasting relationships with their target personas and creating strategies to establish a strong brand helping foster brand advocacy and loyalty.

I understand the essential components that every great brand has by providing strong strategies that help out my clients cleary define:

  • Foundation: A description of what your business is — who you are, what you offer, and to whom.
  • Values: Share the ideals that their brand represents — what to stand for?
  • Promise: Uncover their offering and key message.
  • Identity: Visuals for the business — “look and feel” such as logo, brand graphics, colors, fonts, and images.
  • Differentiation: Uncover the USP to be at the top of mind.
  • Positioning: Analyze quality and price.
  • Voice: What to say and how you say it. Including tagline, positioning statement, brand promise statement, key messages, and marketing copy.
  • UX: How to interact with the products or services and align them with the branding.